Sunday, 21 June 2015

Gymnocalycium mostii v genserii KP336

A young Gymnocalycium mostii v genserii KP336 with its first flower. Very similar to valnicekianum but look at the green on the flower.

Gynmocalycium valnicekianum

Nice flower from G valnicekianum . Is it a sub species of mostii? Let's put a mostii up on the next post and have a look!

Gymnocalycium saglionis

Some nice flowers on the big old guy this year and they actually managed to find a way to open through the spines. Well over 30 years old now.

Gymnocalycium quehlianum

Here is an old G quehlianum. Grown from seed over 30 years ago.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Gymnocalycium uruguayense

Gymnocalycium uruguayense is good because it comes from Uruguay. This is a small plant that I grew from an offset.

I would like to get hold of the pink flowering version but have not seen one for sale. Let me know if you know where to get one!

Gymnocalycium weissianum

MAY 2017

JUNE 2015

A good crop of flowers on Gymnocalycium weissianum this year. May be lumped in with hossei.